When we download this programme, we will see that it is in English, but from the download page we also have the download option for translating it into Catalan or Spanish.

The project includes SciTE (SCIntilla based Text Editor). (Please notice the slightly different naming.) Download: Available. Then, we only need to run the SciTE.exe programme. Scintilla is a free source code editing component which includes useful features such as syntax styling, error indicators, folding, code completion and call tips. config/sciteprojrc if you had a config you were satisfied with and you would like to use it. This application does not require installation, as all we have to do is download the folder on our computer and decompress the zip file. With this processing, we will be able to edit any kind of programming language, therefore this tool is sufficient for our requirements and there is no need to download complementary applications. Download and install SciTE APK on Android Step 1: Download the SciTE.apk on your device Step 2: Allow Third Party apps on your device.

Therefore, this programme is also ideal for anyone starting with the editing of codes for programming. For these people, the creators have developed this programme with multiple options and a quite simple interface, so that we can do everything we need without having to waste time in searching for options in the interface. SciTE is a perfect programme for everyone who has to work with various programming languages and who needs simple and flexible editing.