
Auto chess demon hunter
Auto chess demon hunter

auto chess demon hunter

Tips: For Assault Cuirass, you can put it on your courier and walk around to provide the aura instead of putting it on your unit. (Legendary) Mjollnir (+50 damage, +30 attack speed, 25% on hit for lightning-200 damage to 5 unit) AURA -10 armor, -15 attack speed for all enemy within 1 grid) (Legendary) Assault Cuirass (AURA, +10 armor, +15 attack speed for all allied within 1 grid. (Legendary) Tarrasque Heart (HP +1000, regen 1% hp every 2 second.) (Legendary) Daedalus (+40 damage, 10% 4x critical) (Legendary) MonkeyKingBar (+80 damage, +10 attack speed, ignore evasion) (Legendary) Refresher Orb (+20 hp regen, +200% mana regen on attack, Refresh your skill CD on cast, 30 sec cooldown) (Legendary) Scythe of Vyse (-20 magic resist on hit, hp +250, +50% mana regen on attack/damage taken, auto hex at start similiar to shaman combo) (Legendary)Dagon 5 (-100 magic resist on hit, 800 damage burst, "forgot to check" cooldown) (Epic)Dagon 4 (-80 magic resist on hit, 700 damage burst, "forgot to check" cooldown) (Epic)Dagon 3 (-60 magic resist on hit, 600 damage burst, "forgot to check" cooldown) (Epic)Desolator (+30 damage, -15 armor on hit) (Rare)Dagon 2 (-40 magic resist on hit, 500 damage burst, "forgot to check" cooldown) (Rare)Dagon 1 (-20 magic resist on hit, 400 damage burst, "forgot to check" cooldown) (Rare)Vanguard (+250 hp, +10 hp regen, 50% block 50 damage) (Rare)Crystalys (+15 damage, 15% 1.5x critical) -> Daedalus (Rare)Hood (+10 hp regen, +30 magic resist) (Rare)Perseverance (+10 hp regen, +100% mana regen on attack) -> Refresher Orb (Rare)Maelstorm (+25 damage, 25% lightning on hit-100 damage to 3 unit.) -> Mjllonir (Rare)BladeMail (+5 armor, +10 damage, 10% damage return) (Rare)MadnessMask (+10% life steal, +30 attack speed, -10 armor on your unit) (Rare)Mystic Staff (-20 magic resist on hit, +25% mana regen on damage taken) (Uncommon)Wizardry Staff (- 20 magic resist on hit) (Uncommon)Ultimate Orb (HP +250, +25% mana on damage taken) (Common)Void Stone (+100% mana regen when attack) (Common)Crown (+25% mana regen on damage taken) (Common)Magi Robe (-10 magic resist on hit). (Common)Quarter Staff (+5 damage, +10 attack speed). *this is based on a reddit post about the total number of chess available for each unit* The more unit that someone buy, the less chance it gonna appear, for example if everyone buy Luna, it's very hard to find other Luna for level up, until either other player sold Luna or defeated.

Auto chess demon hunter